Happy Birthday Grandpa

On Friday last week, we celebrated Brian’s dad’s birthday with pizza, chicken and wings! It was one of the first real tests of my new-found resolve to limit my calorie intake each day, and I did pretty well. I refrained from dessert since I had two slices of pizza. (Cue a collective gasp. I know, I turned down dessert!)

We realized that we didn’t have a lot of photos of Jameson with his grandpa, so we made sure to get a few shots of them together.

Jameson played cars with grandpa and dad, and they practiced waving together.

It was a great evening, and after Jameson went to bed, grandpa opened gifts. He made a sourpuss face when I tried to take a photo of him though. Apparently photos are only allowed with Jameson, haha.

P.S. Does Jameson’s hair seem like it’s getting long? I am not sure what to do with it, to cut it or leave it… it’s still very thin, just some wacky strands that are out of control. I think he might have his daddy’s hair…

P.S.S. Jameson’s other grandpa has a birthday earlier in January, but we are never around to celebrate it since it is just after the holidays. Gets me thinking that maybe he’s got the shortest end of the stick, as compared to birthdays around Christmas. Anyway, Happy Birthday Dad!

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