Visit to Great-Grandma’s

Our last family Christmas outing was to great-grandma’s on the Friday after Christmas.

Jameson was a totally nightmare in the car, but thankfully Aunt Melissa rode with us, and we are also thankful for the ipad.



Great-Grandma and Grandma

Jameson insisted on trying a good four of five cookies, but didn’t really like any of them. He ate the most of the pistachio one which was funny!

We had lasagna and salad, which Jameson squirmed his way through. Since he didn’t really nap that day, he was extra wired!



Yucky Cookie

I don’t do so great with the cats in the house (I’m allergic), but Jameson loved them! He tried to catch a couple but he was not quick enough.

Petting Kitties

Here he is, sitting next to me relaxing for a moment. I look really pregnant.

Jameson and Mom


He also loved playing with his cousins and their toys (probably mostly their toys — filled with small things and sophisticated levers and big-boy-awesome.


He wouldn’t let great-grandma hold him this time, but he was happy to blow kisses and give her a high five!

Blowing Kisses

High Five

We left after dinner and opening a few gifts. Jameson got a puzzle and baby got some clothes from Uncle Chuck and Aunt Sue! It is always nice to see great-grandma happy and surrounded by family. What a nice holiday!

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