Ready for Baby’s Arrival

The closer we get to having the baby, the less I tend to call our baby-to-be Peapod, our cute nickname for baby when it was wee little and barely noticeable in my tummy. I’m more likely to say “Baby” with a capital B now, in preparation for the real name. We are at 38 weeks and 2 days today, and we are ready for it’s imminent arrival.

We have selected 2 boy first names and one middle name; we have also selected one girl name with 2 possible middle names. When baby arrives, we will make our decision after seeing him or her! We are so close now that I hesitate to reveal the names, and also because I have a preference on the boy name 😉

This week, we thought we would be seeing Baby sooner rather than later. On Wednesday when I went in for my weekly appointment, we also got an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed fluid levels to be low. However they measure “fluid”, I was at a 7 when I should be at at least 10 (my co-worked, due the same day as me, said her’s have been above average at 17 recently, for a frame a reference).

This situation was serious enough to suggest that I stay home from work and rest until my next appointment which was scheduled two days later, for Friday morning. The doctor also made it sound like if fluid levels dropped more, we might be induced early.

However, on Friday we happily (and a little disappointedly, because we wanted to have Baby!) found my fluid levels up to 8.25. Apparently, fluid level can flucuate and drinking lots of water can help! So I am now going back to work, and on the same schedule as before unless my fluid levels dip below 5, which is to continue to wait until I hit 39 weeks and then schedule induction. (Between the diabetes, and the low fluid levels, at this point it is highly unlikely that they would allow me to continue to my due date or beyond) This means Baby will arrive close to Christmas, but before it.

On Tuesday I have another appointment which will include yet another ultrasound (don’t worry, Baby is too big at this point to tell boy or girl so Brian and I are still in the dark on Baby’s gender!) to check fluid levels and an NST. I am getting anxious now, especially because for a couple days we thought we’d be meeting Baby early! We have everything ready to go, and I have all gifts purchased (though some of them won’t arrive til next week) and most gifts wrapped. I am ready for both Christmas and the Baby any time now!

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