Spring Jacket Weather

I love Jameson’s new jacket! It’s the perfect early spring jacket, flannel and warm. He looks like a little man in it. While I’m disappointed our 80 degree weather is gone, the jacket almost makes up for it.

Finally got some photos of Jameson happy in the wagon. Usually he is very solemn while we pull him around, but he was in an exceptionally cheerful mood on Saturday.

We went on a wagon ride with Lily and Curtis, our neighbors. I decided to be a tool and take the big camera with us on our entire walk.

Before we left our little circles (there are only 3 houses on our street, with two circles at either end), I picked another weed flower for Jameson to hold.

By the end, Jameson was only holding on to the stem. But he didn’t want to let it go!

I let the boys do all the hard work of pulling, as Brian said, 80 pounds of kid. Which I think was a lie, it was maybe 40 pounds.

This isn’t our street, we don’t have any trees in our tree lawn, but if I had my choice, these would the trees that we’d plant.

All of them in a row like that, with well manicured lawns and lovely houses make my stereotypical little heart happy. This is why I wanted to live in a neighborhood, with sidewalked roads and pretty green grass.

Jameson and Lily pointed and called at all the dogs we saw.

By the end of the walk, Jameson was totally relaxed.

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