Touch a Truck

A couple weeks ago, we took Jameson to a little local event called Touch a Truck. They occur in various cities throughout the summer, but our closest one was very convenient for us and we were happy to spend an hour at this FREE event.

Last year we actually were shopping when this event was going on, so we saw it last year as well though Jameson was a little young for it then.


Jameson was pretty intimidated at first. As much as he loves firetrucks, every time we’ve seen them up close this summer (at other festivals too), he has wanted to leave and not interested in them at all. So we walked by the firetrucks after getting our helmet, and continued on to the diggers and dozers, as we call them.

He was likewise unsure of those, but did get on one bigger tractor. Where he really shined was the littler but big ride on mowers. He wanted daddy up there too, but after some coaxing, we got him sitting himself.



On our way past the firetrucks, we had also passed by the bus. But now that Jameson had opened up a bit more, he was excited to get on the bus with me. I particularly thought this was important, for obvious reasons. We have a while before he’ll be riding a bus, but I’d rather drop those fears early!




He just seemed so very little getting off the bus. I can’t imagine him going off to school yet.


We had a lot of fun, and I loved that is was free. Coraline was there as well, though she slept on and off the whole time. She isn’t quite bit enough to be riding on trucks (if ever! My little sweet pea!)

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