Bubbly Birthday


A cute little lady turned two in August, and Jameson, Coraline & Jonathan attended on a Friday night. It was pretty fun to get out of the house on a weeknight like that.




We borrowed a less-than-sturdy barrel for a few photos. It didn’t collapse on us thankfully. Had I known I was going to do an impromptu photo shoot I would’ve selected a different outfit than pajamas!

Coraline did really well but she was tired, so I fed her to sleep after letting her cry for a bit and then she was completely passed out. I just set her on a blanket on the floor which worked out surprisingly well!

Later Brian went up to check on her and their cat was laying right next to her which was funny. The cat hissed at Brian, so they obviously made fast friends.

Meanwhile, after dinner and dessert the kids were playing with the bubble maker outside!



This one above cracks me up since the boys are giving Vivienne a sour face!



Vivienne opened a a few of her gifts at the end of the evening. She was a little wild with over-tired energy and hilariously put our gift, a pair of pants with a skirt attached, on her head like a hat!


BAM! That’s how you do a party on a Friday night.


Jameson, of course, was also passed out within moments of getting in the car.

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