A New Year


For New Year’s Eve this year, we headed over to JP & Lisa’s house for the evening. We planned to make a relatively short night of it, since they had a 7 week old newborn, their second son named Joshua. As a bonus, we got to meet Jack too, just days old and nearly fresh from the hospital! Jack is the second son of Rob and Christina, good friends of Brian’s who recently moved back to Ohio.




Jonathan, Bobby and Jameson all played together on Jonathan’s new train table. Watching little boys try and play nice together is interesting and occasionally requires intervention, but everyone had a great time.


Coraline looked so very big compared to her very new friends. She wore her confetti onesie in celebration. We also did a little gift exchange! We really extended Christmas celebration this year. In fact, it’s nearly the end of January and Jameson insists on listening to Rudolf every day on the way home from school. He continues to ask me where the lights are, and is disappointed that Christmas is over. I kind of love it.



Coraline was a great sport about staying up late. We did try and put her to sleep in the pack and play in JP & Lisa’s office, but she had trouble staying asleep. She was exhausted, but running and yelling boys were causing quite a ruckus! It didn’t disturb Jack though, he was asleep during his entire visit.



The boys were crazy! But in a good, ok-on-New-Years, staying-up-late sort of way. We had such a good time, and left around 10 to be home by 11, and have the children in their proper beds by 11:30. We watched the ball drop in bed without falling asleep beforehand, which was amazing. We had a good time, but life has certainly changed for all of us even compared to just a year ago. New babies, newly-returned friends, another new year!

The very next weekend, I drove to JP & Lisa’s and Rob & Christina’s houses to take some pictures of the beautiful babies. I was thrilled that Jack stayed asleep for newborn photos (since I didn’t have success with a sleeping baby for either Jameson or Coraline!). He’s such a cute baby, with a full head of red hair.

20140104-Jack-Newborn-Photos-2857Joshua was a 7 week old, not very sleepy type baby, but he made the cutest little ‘o’ faces to match his mom’s favorite hat.

20140104-Joshua-Baby-Photos-2789I can’t wait (or maybe I can), to see where we all are next year. The newborns will be a year old, Coraline will be nearly 2, and Jameson will be 4. Do you think maybe we’ll get to have a New Year’s Eve without children, or is it too soon? haha!

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