One Year Later

One year and a couple months, anyway. Last year right around this time I took photos of our new house. At the time, we had been in it for about a month or two, and we didn’t even have anything hanging on the walls yet. We weren’t completely unpacked and I hid off sections of rooms and only showed the glory of perfect unclutteredness in the new house.

Now here we are, one year later, older, wiser, and much more cluttered.That nursery has actually been used, cause yeah, we had a baby (though a year ago, the nursery wasn’t remotely finished).

I thought it would be fun to show you how our lives have changed in just one short year.

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First Fourth

Jameson had his first Fourth of July this past weekend! It’s hard to get back to real life after a four day weekend, so I thought I’d try to extend the feeling a bit longer and share our weekend fun.

First, Jameson had to get dressed up in two holiday outfits. Luckily, there were four days in which to subject him to some photo shoots. I bought a little flag for him to wave, but he only wanted to eat it and poke his eye with it, so that didn’t happen (Brian took it away from me, sigh..).

On Saturday we spent the early morning at the farmers market. We picked up some amazing blueberries and black raspberries, along with our traditional salad lettuce mix. I couldn’t believe the black raspberries, they were across a couple stalls, so they must have been the fruit in season and perfectly ripe.

At the farmers market we also picked up part of Saturday night’s dinner, Ohio City Pasta. This is fresh pasta, never frozen. Here’s what it looks like before cooking:

We had red pepper, lemon basil, and garlic onion flavors. They stay good for about 10 days, so after having garlic onion on Saturday, I am looking forward to the rest of the week filled with tasty pasta goodness. (And these pastas, they only need butter or olive oil. They have amazing flavor all by themselves).

That night Brian and I watched the fireworks from our front porch. So fun to be able to see them, albeit far away, since we had Jameson and can’t go out late like we used to. And how amazing to sit there on a warm night together to do that.

Sunday we stopped by Brian’s parents for a cookout and brought over Jameson’s exersaucer.

Brian’s mother has filled a room full of Jameson items: crib, changing table, toys, burp clothes… everything he needs. It was so much more convenient to come over, and Jameson even took a nap in the crib.

We added those black raspberries from the farmers market to a fruit salad which we brought over to the neighbors’ on Monday for another cookout. Jameson enjoyed his friend Lily‘s pool and her toys. One toy in the mouth apparently means two more toys just arms length away. He took a little dunk and cried for a bit, but it was okay again after a little while.

Little champ loves to be held and swung by his arms. Immediately after sitting up by himself, he’s now decided that standing up is even more fun. Always looking to do things that he can’t quite do himself yet.

Hello handsome! Say goodbye now (oh well, he doesn’t do the wave thing yet, so we’ll just have to settle for a smile) Hey, look at that smile! A smile, in the grass!? Hurrah!

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Extra Fresh Baby Food (Fail)

Before I even start, I should mention that yesterday I successfully transferred a sleeping baby from stroller to crib. I tweeted that I had used up my awesomeness for the day. I really did; there was no more awesomeness to be found.

I decided to try my hand at making baby food. I got tired of waiting for nice fresh produce and decided to go frozen, which I have read that in some instances can have even more nutrients than fresh (depending on how long the fresh has been transported and held). We bought frozen carrots, peas, peaches and blueberries. I was particularly excited about the blueberries since I have not seen them by themselves with the baby food. (To be clear, we did end up going to the farmers market and there were fresh blueberries there, but we had already purchased them frozen, strike one)

So yesterday was peas and blueberries. I used my fancy dancy mixer and I was so excited I forgot to take any photos of the blueberries. Except here, at the end. Pureed blueberry! I know it looks like juice, but we’ll thicken it with cereal before we feed it to him.

I was so floored with my success, I quickly rinsed and readied the supplies for the peas and took some photos to share with you. Here’s my set up. Mixer with food strainer attachment, plus bowls.

Step 1, dump some peas in the top.

Step 2, turn it on and watch pea poop come out one end and pea soup come out the other.

Step 3, put pea poop back in the top to strain through one more time.

WAIT WAIT WAIT. Did anyone see I forgot a step? Please tell me that I am not the only one!

This is super basic– the mixer makes this whole baby-food-making super easy. It wasn’t difficult at all. And yet, somehow I again missed a vital step. Have you guessed it yet?

That’s right… I forgot to cook the peas. Mmmm tasty uncooked peas. I didn’t realize this though until after I was all done. Seriously. (At least, I try to console myself, I realized it before I tried to feed it to him)

This is what uncooked pureed peas look like.

It’s only $1, Brian tells me (his eyes were smirking at me). Only a dooooollar. But that defeats the purpose of making my own baby food. It’s supposed to be cheeeaper.

I immediately Google search: “Pureed uncooked peas for baby food”. But the results are all telling me the same thing. Not an answer, just instructions for before you start. Steam those peas before you puree them. But it’s too late! I wail.

For the blueberries, I was careful. I did my research. Blueberries can be pureed both fresh or stewed. Stewed is even more watery, fresh can be a little harder to stomach for babies with delicate systems. But I got cocky. If I can do blueberries, I can surely do peas.

So, here I am. Uncooked pureed peas in the freezer since it’s taking up space on my fancy perfect cube ice trays with the blueberries. I suppose I will be throwing it out and trying again. Or, since Jameson doesn’t really like peas, we can just pretend this never happened and forget about peas. Forever.

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Digital Scrapbook: Sneak Peak!

Today, I have finally started working on Jameson’s scrapbook. It’s a digital scrapbook and it’s gonna be huge. But no bigger than 60 pages (30 front/back), because that’s what the book I’m making allows. Or… maybe I’ll just make two? We’ll see how it goes.

So far I have done birth, family introductions, Christmas, Jameson’s photo shoot, one week, and his first bath and walk!

Last names were removed in the layouts for privacy reasons, but the images are all true to what it will look like once printed. I’m pretty pleased with how its turning out, though I am not sure where I will find the time to catch up to where I should be.

Next up:

  • Jameson’s weekly photo shoots, which I did until he was 10 weeks old. I think I’ll roll that into 2 pages
  • Jameson’s monthly photo shoot, 1 page for each month
  • Great-grandpa’s 90th birthday party… and more!

Today, Jameson went to daycare while I had off work so that I could work on this without interruption. We did pick him up early, and then his Aunt Melissa came to babysit him while Brian and I went with the neighbors for dinner at Great Lakes Brewery in Cleveland. It was a hike, but so worth it. I had their butternut squash ravioli, and since we were at a brewery, I had some beer as well. I hear that some beer increases milk supply…? haha.

If I have time over this holiday weekend I’ll continue working on the scrapbook but the blog will be on a short hiatus until Tuesday. Don’t worry though, I’ll have some good stuff lined up for next week! Have a great 4th of July everyone.

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It’s Official…

It’s official, we’re supplementing. After over 6 months of being exclusively breastfed, I came to the conclusion that I am not making enough for Jameson anymore. We had two weeks of me not freezing any milk, and only producing about 2/3 of his bottles per day, and it was time to face the music.

I debated about trying fenugreek or other so-called galactagogues to try and increase milk supply, but decided I will let nature take its course at this point. My decision is based on a number of reasons, but mainly, I am tired of stressing out over not making enough milk, and a stressed out mom is not a happy mom.

I am not quitting yet, but for sure I need help meeting Jameson’s needs.

At the doctor on Tuesday we asked for some samples, and since we have more samples of Similac at home than Enfamil, that is the formula of choice. So far, so okay. Jameson was a little too tired to eat well last night, but with a bottle half mom milk and half formula, he drank down half of that.

And then he slept through the night.

Now… I don’t want to jump the gun… or make assumptions… since he has on occasion slept the night through before, but that was when “sleeping through the night” meant from 11pm to 6am, or 9pm to 5am.

Last night was 7pm through 6:45am.

This weekend is a long weekend for Brian and I, so we will continue to supplement here and there to get him used to the formula and we’ll see! Maybe we’ve turned the corner.

As excited as I am about the possibility of getting a full nights rest (almost) every night, I am also a little sad. Because Jameson has started refusing to nurse from me except in the middle of the night and sometimes his wake up feeding. I no longer nurse him to sleep, and if the middle of the night feeding goes away, it seems a short jump to being an exclusive pumper. Which, by the way, I do not like. Pumping is not fun, no matter how you look at it.

But it is what it is, and I cannot force change backward. All we can do is move forward! And maybe get a bit more sleep.

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Father’s Day: Brought to you by the letters D and A

It’s already Thursday, but I thought I’d give you a recap of how Brian’s first Father’s Day went! And of course, show you the awesome project that Jameson and I did (if you haven’t seen it already– I talked about it on Twitter and displayed it on Flickr; you can follow me!). I was waiting with anticipation to show you the project, and wanted to show it off early, but Brian couldn’t (or wouldn’t!) promise me that he wouldn’t peek. In any case, if you love it, file it away for next year!

I was inspired by this find on Pinterest. Just before I started  the new job, I had a day without Brian or Jameson. Well, before Jameson went to daycare that morning, I put him in a fashion show photo shoot with letters D & A that I picked up for about $3 each at Jo-Ann. I edited the photos in 3 different styles of black and white, in a number of poses, and printed them all off.

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Jameson takes an Ice Bath

Just last week, a co-worker was telling me a story about a kid who stripped and dove right into an ice cooler, full of melting ice, and apparently enjoyed himself swimming in the “pool”.

Ironic, considering Brian did that to Jameson just Saturday. No, really.

We did this weekend casually at home, running a few errands and going to the farmers market. Brian mowed the lawn (another of the many reasons he’s such a great husband and father) and did some other yard work. Around mid afternoon on Saturday, after Jameson got up from his many naps (kid was a short sleeper this weekend), we decided to try out the baby pool that Jameson got Brian for his birthday.

That screaming face there looks like the permanently scarred for life from water kind of face doesn’t it? That’s because the water was ice cold, I-C-E cold. It could only have been colder if there had been actual ice in it. Brian filled it up from the hose… apparently we both neglected to check the temperature.

Add insult to injury, as I am telling Brian about how I recalled occasions where my mother had provided some warmer water from inside (I may have made that up, as I don’t really have any distinct memories of this), anyway Brian tells me that his mother made him swim in ice. Which I promptly shared with her. Liar liar, pants on fire.

I saved the day though and added some hot water to the mix, making it sort of luke warm. Then we got more curious than grumpy faces (though no big grins, and some rather startled looks while splashing; apparently he didn’t trust the water quite yet).


He also enjoyed chewing on some of the pool toys that came with it. It has these little blow up mushrooms that stick in the base or float free, and some stick on blow up butterflies.

Adorable! A duck somehow snuck in there too.

We loved the baby pool, even if Jameson didn’t just yet. We’ll have to give it another shot, just like grass face. Which, by the way, we managed to get a non crying grass face this weekend. Will be sharing that soon.

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On [Almost] Father’s Day

This week as a single mom was more difficult than I expected. There was very little time to do anything– the couple days I was able to have a free moment was only because Brian’s parents came over to help out. Chores would get done while they played with Mr. Jameson, and so when he went to bed, I actually had some time to myself. I tried not to whine much, because after all, this was not normal for me– but for some women it is. What I’ve found, appropriately in time for Brian’s first Father’s Day, is a new appreciation for all that my husband does for his family.

So on this first Father’s Day for my husband, I have written a letter to him. I’m sharing it today because I am proud of the father he is and want to share it with everyone.

Dear Mr. Brian Sir,

On your first father’s day, I want to thank you for everything that you do for us:

1) Even though I am up feeding Jameson in the middle of the night, you are (almost) always aware of it too and will shake me awake if I don’t hear him crying. Even if I’ve already gone in to feed him. (Likewise you will get up for pacifier duty) You’re such a softy for a crying baby 🙂

2) We are a great team. You make dinner every night while I put Jameson to bed. When Jameson stops nursing, we will trade for a while if you like, give you a little break. I can make a mean pasta.

3) You give Jameson airplane rides. I pretty much suck at that.

4) Why is it we always have to trade bath nights? Do neither of us really like giving baths and we just haven’t talked about it? I am betting that when Jameson is sitting up and playing with toys though this will be your favorite thing. I know because you REALLY wanted that frog pod bath toy holder on our registry.

5) Okay this is the first number I’ve had to think a little bit about.

6) Oh my gosh, how could I forget your champion nap in arms skills? (Okay, your mother is probably best, but I will give you second place) I am far too boney/pokey for that apparently.

7) You’re also a great dad to the puppy. No one else picks up her poo like you do. I don’t. Picking up poo the size of 5 mice is not my idea of a good time.

8) One of my very favorite things about you is that you never really want to sit still. There is always something to be done! (Fun or chores or both!) Never a dull moment. I expect you will be teaching that to Mr. Jameson, though it may be a few years. (When do they start hating to do chores? That is when I will need that skill I’m sure)

That’s all. It’s awkward to stop at number 8, but I’ve run out of clever things to thank you for. In all seriousness, you are a great dad and husband. Happy first Father’s Day.

And I’m really glad your home.

Your Favorite Lady, Mrs. Wifely

P.S. We will need to stop speaking with s’s and ly’s at the end of words to be cute, or Jameson will pick up on that and he’ll never talk right.

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Graduation (aka, Jameson and Aunt Holly are Stars)

Long overdue, I am here to tell you that we survived the 3-1/2 hour trip to and from my parents for the first time! The weekend of June 3, we spent visiting Jameson’s grandparents on my side of the family. We were excited that Jameson would get to see his uncle Tyler again for the first time since his birth, to spend some time with some other cute dogs, and that he would get to see his grandparents and Aunt Holly for a more extended visit (does 2 days count as extended?)

On Friday night, we left around 8 pm. Packing up baby was a lot more work than either of us expected. My parents didn’t have a crib (yet… *hint hint*) so we folded up our pack and play, packed a ton of outfits for Jameson, plus bottles and my pump, his new Jumparoo which was still in a box and super convenient to take for entertainment, and his activity mat. All in all, 3/4 of the car was taken up with Jameson and his stuff, and Brian and I had one little bag. So consumed with getting Jameson ready, I forgot my favorite hair dryer!

Jameson slept through the whole car ride, was up for about an hour when we arrived late, and then went to sleep like a champ. Phew, that was easy!

The biggest reason for our visit was my sister’s high school graduation.

She graduated with some 600-700 kids. (I did not try to count the names in the program). My maiden name begins with a Y as well, so on top of there being a lot of kids, we actually had to wait through that lot of kids before hearing her name called. I would call this a high risk Jameson situation.

But he was a champ. After about an hour of people watching, he fussed and we fed him; then with a little of what I call dad-magic, Jameson was asleep in Brian’s arms for the later half of name calling.

All-in-all, we didn’t have to leave and were able to stay through the whole 2-1/2 hour she-bang. I call that a win!

Here are the stars of the show, graduate and Mr. Jameson

Jameson enjoyed meeting other puppies and exploring his brand-new Jumparoo which has 3 of his favorite toys, I am not sure what to call them other than spinning circle things. AND of course, he loved seeing his grandparents, uncle and aunt.

My parents’ garden exploded with strawberries this year for some reason, and we had about a quart of strawberries to go with two kinds of pasta salad and steak. What a wonderful summer meal!

On Sunday, we had spaghetti lunch (tradition in our house growing up) with family friends, the one who made Jameson’s wonderful baby quilt, custom with the fabric she and my mother picked out.

We also got to spend some time with my old high school friend Katie, her husband Dave, and their son just one week younger than Jameson, Mark. It was wonderful to see another baby so close in age to Jameson. They were cute together, though Jameson was a little cranky after this adventure-filled weekend.

The drive home was a little rougher, since we left earlier, around 6 pm. We were hoping Jameson would go ahead and nap the whole way again, but contrary little man did it in chunks, waking up to cry and play off and on during the whole trip. But we didn’t have any screaming fits or reasons to pull over. Sasha of course was delighted to see us come home though she had a blast at her other grandparents’ house while we were away.

We had a blast, and hopefully we’ll be able to make the trip again soon. Hopefully with a little less stuff. I am pretty sure we packed enough to spend a week there. Which I’m sure my parents would’ve loved, haha.

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