Labor Day Weekend

It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since Jameson’s first fair experience. He wasn’t even crawling yet; he sat and sucked his pacifier, looking at the pumpkins that weighed well over 50 times more than him.

This year, Jameson obviously had more opinion. When we took him out of his stroller, he insisted on staying out for a long time. My parents and sister made a trip up special for the fair and joined the fun as well. We are guessing that next year, he’ll insist on riding some of the rides.

He loved the pumpkins; I’m pretty excited to take him to a real pumpkin patch this year to have him pick his out. He was already was trying to pick them out at the fair!

We did the pumpkins first before it got too crowded, and quickly moved on to the animals which we had been promising him all morning long.

After all the animal noise practice, Jameson did say baa and moo, but didn’t say neigh for the horses until we were leaving.

In fact, he was actually most excited about the tractors. We walked over to them, and he said “wow!” and wanted to put his hands on all the wheels.

Jameson insisted on drinking out of adult water bottles instead of his own; we were concerned with his fluid intake since it was so hot (at least it was cloudy!), so for lunch he had some of my lemonade, which he loved.

We weren’t very methodical this year, looping around the same area a couple times. After lunch (traditional cavatelli and meatballs for myself and Meemaw), we walked back to the pumpkin area to look at the vegetable house and then back around to the kids animal barn where you can hold rabbits or chicks.

Jameson is very good at being gentle with small animals; at school, they occasionally bring in a chinchilla owned by one of the teachers which he enjoys. He lightly patted the bunny. And hey, look I’m in a photo!

Handwashing was the last step in our fair day. We wandered around a little after, but the sun came out and the heat quickly beat us back to our cars and to home. We grabbed a funnel cake and cotton candy to go. I let Jameson try the cotton candy later, but he wasn’t so sure about it, flavor or texture I’m not sure, but he tried to spit it back out and give it to me. Mmmm more for me!

Sunday my parents left after lunch, and Brian brewed in the afternoon. Jameson took a short nap but was easy to please with empty kegs, the bounce house, and cooling water from the brew process to play in. And for Labor Day, we visited a local festival, suffered along with Jameson after he refused a nap, and happily passed him to Brian’s parents and sister when they arrived for dinner later. All in all, a quick but satisfying long weekend!

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Midmonth, my mom came up for a visit after dropping my sister off at college. She came up for another purpose though, since we had requested her babysitting services for Friday and overnight while Brian and I attended his cousin’s wedding in Pennsylvania.

Mom arrived late Wednesday evening on the 15th, so we couldn’t show off Jameson shirt and big news until Thursday evening after work. The wait was grueling, but they had already been speculating, of course! So Jameson’s Meemaw got to watch him Thursday, Friday, and most of Saturday.

It was difficult to leave him Thursday after his 20 month photoshoot; he knew as soon as I was getting my lunch ready that I wasn’t staying and he clung to me and wailed. I had planned on waiting to leave a little later, but waiting seemed like it would draw out the process, so we ripped the band-aid off pretty quick, and I left.

We all hung out Thursday evening though and Jameson showed off his “cheese!” exclamation with my phone. It won’t be long before he can press those buttons himself and really take photos.

Friday morning, Brian worked from home, which was difficult in its own way once Jameson realized he was still there. But by the time Meemaw left on Sunday, they were pretty good buddies, and I left her to do bath and bedtime Saturday evening with no issues. It’s hard when Jameson doesn’t get to see her very often, so I’m going to try and do more FaceTime! This week, he’ll get to see her again, plus grandpa and Aunt Holly for the fair, so that’ll be fun!

I am pretty thrilled she took Jameson into the empty lots and took pictures of him with the queen anne’s lace. It is a picture I wanted to capture for a while (though typically we don’t let him romp around in those weeds), but now they are all dying so this is probably all I will get this year.

Before we returned on Saturday, we stopped at IKEA (and the time was such that we got both the 99cent breakfast AND swedish meatballs for lunch). We got Jameson the little farm animals, which we use to get him to make his animal noises. Meemaw was excited to finally capture the one-word “moobaa” animal noise on video after a lot of effort through the whole weekend (and I have video evidence of the failed tries)


It was nice for Jameson to see his grandma again, and I was happy to have someone to watch a few chick flicks with in the evening. Meanwhile, Brian got into a little trouble on Saturday evening involving the neighbor’s “pre-party party” before Lily’s 2 year birthday party on Sunday. But that’s another story…

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Brian and I are pleased to share why I have been a major slacker the past couple months! Making a baby has occupied much of my time, what with all the sleeping and the nausea and the sleeping.

Our new addition is set to arrive March 15, 2013, and while Jameson is pretty oblivious to what is going on, he likes pictures of babies, so I think he’ll be a pretty good big brother!

Jameson was pretty insistent about holding the remote for the camera; when we tried again the next morning I hid it from him but he still seemed to know, giving me grumpy faces.

So far this pregnancy has been rougher than the last, which by old wives’ tales says it’s a girl. We’ll be happy with either, and I’ll just be happy not to feel ill most morning, evenings, and sometimes in between. We will probably find out this time (Jameson was a surprise), so that way we’ll get to experience both kinds of excitement, and Jameson will know whether he is having a little brother or sister.

We shared the news via the shirt to Brian’s parents first for his mom’s birthday. She didn’t want to assume, so it was Aunt Melissa that called us out on it nearly a half hour later!

We shared the news with my mom when she came up a couple days later for a visit (and to babysit while we went to a wedding!). She was pretty quick, since we had to make an obvious wardrobe change. We did FaceTime with my dad, sister and brother all separately. My dad was the slowest, not getting it until I held up the ultrasound picture which was pretty funny.

—– A Funny Story

At my standard bloodwork appointment, they found I was too dehydrated to draw the blood, so I had to go to a lab within the next couple days. Needless to say, that day I downed nearly 16 ounces of water before going! They were able to draw the blood, but told me I need a 1 hr glucose test and they were closing so I’d have to return again another day!

Needless to say, I was pretty unhappy about that but left and out in the parking lot, a little old couple asked if I was “Hilary”, which was really weird. I turned around, and they were holding the actual prescription paper my doctor wrote out, which must have come detached from the official form I had given the lab.

So I went back in to see if they needed it, to find that the paper said I only needed a randomized glucose test. The lab tech (at my request, which was again annoying) called my doctors’ and while on the phone, discovered that he had misread my form ALL ALONG. I didn’t need a 1 hr test yet, and the blood they had already drawn would suffice for the random test.

I was happy to leave the lab having completed all that was needed and not required to return, and also very thankful to a little old couple standing in the parking lot, picking up my prescription. A happy, random chance!

And, I will make sure I drink plenty of water before my following appointments this time!

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Watermelons and Kittens

The last weekend in July was a busy one! On Saturday, we went to visit Brian’s grandma and Aunt & Uncle. The last time we were there, Jameson was a new crawler, so it had been awhile!

Jameson is showing much more fear, of strangers and loud surprising noises, so he wasn’t inclined to let his great-grandma hold him. He did however give her a high five!

We had also celebrated cousin Stacy’s engagement to Nick when we were there last, and while they weren’t there, we thought of them since their wedding is now just a week or so away!

I don’t care for watermelon (never have; it’s one of the few foods that I have consistently never liked even as an adult), but Jameson enjoyed some!

He did want to gnaw on the rind, but for the most part he ate his watermelon really well, and wanted another!

Great-grandma has a magnolia tree in the backyard, with thick low-lying branches that if Jameson has the chance, I am sure he will climb when he gets older!

Brian’s Aunt Terry & Uncle Wes have a brand new kitten named Zane. When we met him, he was just 7 weeks old!

At daycare, they have a chinchilla owned by one of the teachers who brings him in every once in a while. Jameson apparently loves the chinchilla, so I was hoping he would do just as well with this other tiny creature. Jameson got to pet Zane, and I was excited to see that he did so well being gentle while Aunt Melissa held him.

Jameson however quickly got distracted by his cousins’ toys, and discovered a guitar that they were generous enough to send us home with! He has enjoyed the guitar a lot, and it completes his musical collection of drums, xylophone and rattles. We could host an entire toddler band now!

It was a relatively short visit, but fun despite the interrupting rainstorm. We still enjoyed our summer meal with the watermelon, pasta salad I brought, broccoli salad and burgers! It is good to see Brian’s grandma, who seems to be doing really well this year!

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Sunflower Summer

This weekend, Brian was off to Vegas for a bachelor party. While he was off hiking and seeing views like this:

I was enjoying this:

It was so hectic though getting Jameson ready this time. Brian left Thursday, and I didn’t leave until Friday at 11:30, so I packed without his help and managed to forget several key items:

  • Utensils and plates for Jameson
  • Shorts, for myself

So, these photos are taken with my mom’s camera, which I left on auto no flash, and with my new eyes, seems absolutely horrible. But okay. Moving on.

Yes, Jameson is in Batman pajamas. I call them in lounge wear, and he rode in the car in them because I thought it might be more comfortable. Plus, he’s adorable.

We were excited that my brother and sister were both home for the weekend (my sister home for the summer from college, and my brother visiting from Florida).

My parents put up a larger swing set in the backyard to accommodate a baby swing which he just ADORED. Unlike when we put him in the baby swing that was attached to our family swing frame, this was a full on 9 or 10 footer.

When I would pull him forward for a big swing, he would yell “WHOA” again and again.


He also enjoyed the fresh strawberries in the patch that seems to just explode every year now his grandparents’ garden. After trying them, whenever we went outside, he’d walk straight to the patch and try to find more, or to go to the swings.

Surprise sunflowers popped up in the garden from the birdseed grandpa puts out, and while Jameson seemed more interested in the low-lying marigolds to pick, he did take notice of them.

Our time indoors was a little harder: Jameson was fine outside, but inside, he wanted to stay near me and played hard-to-get with his grandparents and Aunt Holly and Uncle Tyler. He did, however, say “Meemaw,” repeating after me when I said that was who grandma was; and, he said grandpa for the first time (though not to his face).

After grandpa left Sunday morning, Jameson grabbed his stylus, saying “mommy” (because I have one as well), and I said, “No, that’s grandpa’s” and he said it, though I guarantee I wouldn’t know that is what he was saying if it hadn’t been in context!

All grandma wanted to do was read to him, but boy was this a struggle! He did finally sit for a few books. I’m sure he’ll grow out of it eventually, and we’ll do some more facetime with grandma and grandpa so that he can stay familiar with their voice and faces. It’s hard being away from family!

Naps and sleeping was also hard: I resorted to yelling at him to lay down, and he flattened himself in the crib like he was terrified of me. I felt bad, but it worked. He fell asleep in that flattened out position within 10 minutes of me yelling at him. I didn’t know how else to get him to stop throwing his animals out of the crib (without them, sleep wouldn’t have happened at all).

Twice we went to the playground with Jameson. Early Sunday morning, it was cool enough to spend some time there and we visited 3 playgrounds in the park near my parents’ house. They had one huge toddler area, and I loved seeing Jameson walk up the steps himself with the help of the rail.

Jameson had no fear of the slides, but he turned around on his belly a lot, which made me laugh.

He enjoyed the teeter totter with Uncle Tyler, holding on well (with grandma just out of the camera lens!)

For lunch on Sunday of course we had the traditional spaghetti meal, and Jameson ate 2-1/2 meatballs, which was completely shocking. He ate really well at grandma’s!

And then it was time to leave; Jameson was exhausted, so he slept for 2 of the 3-1/2 hour drive. I occupied him with food, which he threw all over the car, and books, which he really enjoyed so I am saving that for my bag of tricks for the next long drive!

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Weekend Roundup

Last weekend was a mishmash of awesome.

We bought new furniture for our office on Friday which actually has some storage; it was on clearance and we’ve been researching for months. It was ideal, and I’m excited to share pictures once the room is in better shape after the furniture arrives.

Saturday we went to the farmer’s market, stopped at the Heritage Festival for a little (it was sweltering), and went back home to the air conditioning. Later, Jameson loved watching dad mow the lawn and at the end got to ride into the shed with him.

(Yes, this is our backyard right now)

We got to see fireworks Saturday night from our porch again like last year, but better!

Saturday night, we gave Jameson a sippy cup instead of his bottle. His last bottle (sniff sniff) was Friday, July 6.

He didn’t even question it; I was shocked, since he knows the word for bottle and seemed very attached to it. Instead, we read about 6 more books because he drinks so slow. He also doesn’t settle down as much, but he’s happy enough to go into his crib just the same.

Sunday, we traumatized Jameson leaving him at childcare at church. Major stranger fear. The rest of the day, he insisted on being right by our side. Also, he didn’t nap.

Since he didn’t nap, we did face time with grandma and grandpa on my new ipad. Jameson was great, he had lots of smiles (not shown here) and he even blew kisses goodbye.

Later after receiving some good news, we went over to his other grandma and grandpa’s for dinner. He was tired, but that didn’t stop him from collecting rocks, sticks and pinecones outside and being very insistent about what he wanted to eat (berries and watermelon, plus some hot dog!)

I call that a successful weekend!

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Our Happy Fourth of July!

I’m interrupting our series of vacation photos in case you are feeling in need of some Jameson photos. Just in case.

Today, Brian and I are both back at work, but we did have yesterday off which I suppose makes it seem as if we had two Fridays this week. Not too shabby. Except today is not Friday, bummer.

So anyway, yesterday morning we went shopping for a little while to find new sandals for Jameson that covered his toes but could handle water, for daycare. We had success, and then wanted to take Jameson out to eat to try him out in public since we haven’t gone out since our minor disaster at Red Robin over the winter. (It is Red Robin, so I don’t know that he was too bad for that place)

Anyway, we couldn’t find a good place open, so we went to Wendy’s, and that went okay except Jameson didn’t want to eat anything other than french fries and paint with ketchup (not eat it). And sip out of dad’s water. We went home and offered him a cheese stick and a pouch of fruit, and then he took a nap.

When he awoke, since we were all getting dressed in our Independence Day finest, I decided it would be a great time for a family photo, since we really hadn’t had one since the winter. We no longer have the blank wall, so I moved us to the living room corner.

I was pretty happy with the results, though I am pushed against the wall a little bit in this photo, but because Jameson is smiling, it won out.

Not too many outtakes this time, but I loved this one of Jameson because he is so excited to pet Sasha!

Then it was time to go to my Aunt Carol’s house. They live a town over, but we often don’t seem them.

We also got to see my cousin Jerry and his wife Lisa and their kids, who also live right down the road from us but we don’t see them much; and my cousin Carrie and her husband Brian and their kids, who live in Maryland, were also there!

My cousin Stacey and her husband Chuck are moving away from Ohio, which is sad, but exciting for them, so we were also thrilled to see them.

(This is Carrie’s daughter Krista, and her Barbie pool, which Nicholas wanted to dump out and Jameson kept thinking was full of bubbles)

It was sweltering hot, so we didn’t stay out for too long! Jameson was very interested in the bubbles, as per his usual now. He had fun putting the bubble wand in and out of the container, which we emptied. It doesn’t seem to matter to him.

We were sorry to see Jerry, Lisa and the kids leave about a half hour after we arrived, but Nicholas was hilarious telling everyone bye very excited and animated!

It was a good excuse to make our way indoors to get relief from the heat! Sophia demonstrated her dress up clothes.

Stacey tells me that this was a flower girl dress from my mother’s wedding, which was funny. It’s on backwards, though Sophia insisted it wasn’t.

Jameson made himself comfortable pretty quick, which I was surprised at since he had seemed so shy in our recent cookout with friends last weekend (I have yet to share that with you).

Maybe it was the older girls? He does seem to love following around older children.

Time for supper! We had to sing Happy Birthday to the USA first at Sophia’s request. Then, the only thing he wanted to eat was watermelon. He didn’t want to try the pasta, which was strange, nor the hotdog.

He did try an olive though, he didn’t like it. But when I put it on his finger, he thought it was hilarious!

After dinner, there was a show. We heard Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, saw some dancing, and listened to some xylophone and electric guitar. All the stuffed animals came to watch.

It’s so easy to watch Jameson when he actually wants to stay in the same room as the other kids. Good fun!

It was a nice little reunion and Fourth of July, reminiscent of when I was a kid and we spent it with that same side of the family at my grandpa’s house. I don’t remember it ever being that hot though!

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Daddy Day

Last year, taking photos for Dad’s Day was much, much easier. He sat nice, even through 3 wardrobe and set changes. I had some funny outtakes, but it was nothing compared to this year.

I’m not joking when I say I barely had 3 usable photos (let alone, vertical ones to use in the frame we already purchased). The entire shoot went something like this:

He immediately threw every letter to the ground. I had mere moments to capture, unless he was completely distracted by a window or bubbles. Phew, I can’t wait until next year, next year he’ll sit still, right??

Along with this photo session, Brian got a memory box from Paper Coterie to store his ticket stubs, bumper stickers, and cards in. He had them in a plastic bag before, so this is quite a step up. There are photos of he and I, Jameson and Sasha on the box. It’s the 4th one I’ve ordered from them; I am very happy with the quality of the memory boxes!

He also got new fancy sunglasses. He’s now ready to drive in California! We’re very excited for our upcoming vacation.

We also enjoyed the gift of family on Father’s Day; Brian’s parents came over and sister and her boyfriend with his daughter who we got to meet for the very first time.

He may not look excited here, but I promise you that Aunt Melissa taught him how to put his legs up so she can push him around. He loves it!

While I was upstairs, wishing my own dad a very happy Father’s Day (he spent the day fixing their swing set in preparation for a visit with Jameson–and my own sister, haha), anyway meanwhile I hear loud laughter followed by wailing from Jameson.

Up comes Aunt Melissa, rescuing Jameson from whatever is happening downstairs. (Anyone watch How I Met Your Mother? I felt like The Blitz). Apparently, Sasha was dropping gobs of drool on Jameson’s head and arm, prompting the laughter which was loud enough to frighten him.

Grandma came over then and all was well!

Jameson’s current favorite toy is an empty bubble container. This weekend, he learned how to screw on and off the lid (as long as mom or dad doesn’t screw it on too tight!). He’s obsessed with it, and leaves the clear bubble stick everywhere for us to hunt down.

Our current new favorite game is “falling asleep” on the stairs. Grandma encouraged it, and it’s pretty hilarious until we are midway up the stairs going to bed and he decides he wants to play the game. (Okay, even then, it’s still pretty funny)

For appetizers, Brian (yes, he made his own Father’s Day dinner, but I did make him a fantastic breakfast casserole!) made bruschetta.

The main course was ribs hot dog for Jameson, potatoes and salad. We were excited to try Jameson at the dinner table for the first time, aside from our one disastrous attempt to eat at Red Robin. He did really well, and I think he enjoyed the novelty of it.

We did it again last night, and it seemed to encourage some better eating habits, at least for now.

It’s always a pleasure to eat in the dining room with family. And somehow the table always seems to get filled up with stuff within hours after the event. I don’t understand how that happens.

Jameson danced away in the living room to some Pink Floyd (dads were proud) and then it was time for dessert!

For dessert, berries (on top of angel food cake for the adults). Jameson enjoyed the berries a lot. He even signed “Thank You” a couple times. Why, you’re welcome, Jameson! We love you, and you’re one of the main reasons we get to celebrate!

Happy Father’s Day to all the best dads I know!

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Birthday Man

This weekend was HOT and humid. We all got home a little early for Brian’s birthday on Friday and hung out outside.

(We are trying to teach Jameson now not to suck out all the gross water from his bath and water play toys and cups. Ewww. Here is Brian trying to show him how to properly play with these toys)

Anyway, for Brian’s birthday, I planned to make a dinner and breakfast for Brian through the weekend, but let me tell you how that went.

First, I was too lazy too tired to go out Friday evening, so I decided I’d go out on Saturday after our zoo trip. I went out on Saturday, spent too much money because I didn’t think ahead on what I needed so I had to get it all at the grocery store AND THEN I forgot flour.

Which, as it turns out, I didn’t need, because we had just enough flour.

So Brian goes out later for dog food (this is too heavy for me to pick up, FYI) and also picks up some flour.

I make him de-vein and peel his own shrimp, while I put Jameson to bed.

But, on the other hand, I did do a ridiculous amount of careful chopping for this really great Shrimp, Spinach and Orzo salad. It’s very good. Trust me.

But it doesn’t end here. I planning on making breakfast the next day, but as it turns out, whipped cream is not the same as whipping cream. Which I swear I knew, I swear.

Womp womp. Brian ran out to get his own whipping cream on Sunday on his Home Depot trip, and breakfast was postponed to Monday.

Monday, I made him this:

Blueberry Cream Biscuits with Blueberry Sauce. I found it in the Better Homes & Gardens magazine. It was so ridiculously easy, I feel terrible for our waistlines because I am certain I will make this again.

And Jameson loved the leftover blueberries.

Brian’s parents, on the other hand, had no difficulties putting out a fabulous spread for his birthday celebration on Sunday which consisted of pasta salad, potato salad, broccoli salad, squash, and the main course: fried turkey and potatoes.

Brian might have done a little cooking there though too, making some fried potatos.


I don’t think he minded. 😉

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Easter Holiday, grand finale

I’m not sure where this week went. It’s already Friday, and I’m still talking about Easter. Thank goodness there was something fun to talk about this week, or you probably would’ve gotten a few woe-is-me-first-world type problem posts. It was kind of a depressing work week, but it has had a upswing here at the end.

So we left off reading books, eating dinner, and going to bed. And overnight, the Easter bunny arrived! Easter bunny didn’t go overboard too much, but the contents barely fit in the basket, hence the covering of lovely bunny basket’s face.

That is isn’t the first thing Jameson found though. He discovered an Easter egg first, all by himself. Easter bunny placed six small Easter eggs filled with baby-friendly teddy grahams and gold fish.

Jameson discovered the first in the corner of the stairs. Luckily, I already had my camera but even still I barely got it running in time to capture his find. And then I let it run for like 10 minutes, and couldn’t bring myself to edit the video down.


Here are the highlights:

  • finds first egg, 0:00
  • sits down to eat, 0:50
  • sits down to eat again, 1:35
  • sits down to eat again, 1:55
  • discovers big (empty fun decor) egg, 2:07
  • discovers basket, 2:50
  • plays with phone up to his ear (so cute, he does this all the time now with everything) 3:20
  • sneezes a load of snot out, 3:40
  • finds second egg, 7:20
  • finds third egg, 8:10

Jameson found all his eggs. They were all in spots he usually plays with, so it was natural for him to discover them. He may have ruined his breakfast a little bit on goldfish and teddy grahams!

Inside one of the extra large eggs was a surprise. They were all empty but one, which had peeps in it!

He wasn’t a huge fan of the peeps. I’ve been eating them all instead.

Then it was time for church! Jameson got all dressed up, but the shirt I bought for him was way too big, he was swimming in it! So we swapped it out for another shirt I had for him all ready. (Sorry for making you iron the other shirt, mom haha)

Jameson’s very into hairbrushes, particularly dad’s. He likes to take Brian’s hairbrush in the morning and brush his hair.

At church, we got to see another brand new baby which was fun, and Jameson was in the childcare room. He was exhausted, but didn’t fall asleep until the end. Which meant we had a lot of trouble getting him down for a nap later and eventually had grandma go rescue him (because we as parents can’t be seen as the rescuers, right?)

Easter supper was ham, green bean casserole, broccoli, potatoes, salad and rolls (and the classic butter lamp my mom brought up). We were excited to have both sides of the family together for the meal, which happens very rarely.

Sasha was all prepared to gather up Jameson’s food, as usual.

Sasha enjoyed Easter as well. The End.

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