
Tuesday night, Brian and his friend Jason went to a high school radio station reunion (isn’t that cute?). So Jason’s wife Lisa came over with Vivienne, and Jameson got to play with her.

Jameson and Vivienne weigh about the same (within a pound’s difference), but Jameson is twice Vivienne’s age (16 months vs 8 months). I love that these kind of extremes remind how different babies grow and learn, and that even if Jameson hasn’t mastered some things yet, he is on his own track.

How fun is that?! I told Jameson to play with her and plopped him right down next to her, and he STAYED there! He stacked and she stole cups and they seemed to have fun together.

Jameson is typically a little maniac at home in the evenings, but when other people are over, he starts doing cute things like sitting in my lap, listening to what I tell him, and just being in a great mood. Yesterday I told him to give neighbor Lily a flower and he did. He did!

And Tuesday I told him to show Vivienne his spinning top, and he brought it over to her. Then I told him to show her how it works and he pushed it down to spin it.

Maybe this is just a phase (after all, he did have trouble sharing his toys not too long ago), but right now, if I could have playmates over for Jameson every day, I would.

And Vivienne is just adorable. She is vocal and happy (even though Lisa claimed she would be cranky without a nap). She does this cute new thing with her lips, pursing them out little a little duckling or like she’s coming in for a kiss. But then she makes raspberries with them. haha!

She is teething her very first bottom two teeth, so everything is going in the mouth. Although I was almost relieved to hear that Lisa said everything goes in her mouth anyway, because that’s how Jameson is.

Her and Jameson seem to be on a similar milestone track, though 8 months apart, so that was kind of nice for me to reminisce.

I can’t believe 8 months have already gone by. Time sure does fly.

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Our Wild Outdoors

Aside from our wild zoo adventures on Sunday, we spent much of our weekend outside. It rained on Saturday, but not until late morning, so whenever we could, we stole a moment outdoors.

Friday evening, I introduced Jameson to chalk. He did try to eat it a couple times, but quickly seemed to figure out that it makes color. I would tell him to draw and he’d mark up the driveway in little spurts. Then he’d walk around with the chalk in his hand and steadily got better at adding pressure to make darker marks.

He seemed more fascinated though with the bucket and wanted to slide chalk out and back into the bucket. Saturday, he dumped the bucket out on the garage floor but luckily it didn’t make too much of a mess. Draw outside only, I frequently told him.

Friday evening we went on a walk, and I may not have mentioned here before but one of Jameson’s best friends at daycare, born just a week apart from him, lives in our neighborhood. We see them more frequently now that the weather is nice in the evenings. They have an older girl and their son Jameson’s age. We saw them on Friday night and stopped for a little while to play.

Jameson loved exploring and playing with new toys, but he didn’t seem to recognize Nathan until it was nearly time to go, and then he pointed and stared for a second and tried to grab his hand. It was too cute!

On Sunday, Brian got a great idea. We have a family/bench style swing which Jameson loved last year and was great for his cranky evenings. This year, we have a baby/toddler swing that we’ve borrowed long term from a friend. However, with no swing set or low hanging branches, we weren’t sure what to do with it. But Brian realized the family swing frame would be perfect for hanging his baby swing.

It’s a little lopsided on occasion since we haven’t nailed getting it level, but Jameson loved his first swing experience!

We also brought out the slide that we’ve owned since our days working for a toy company. Yes, we have been saving toys long before children were ever in the picture. And when I say we, I mean Brian (cue some awwwwws). Jameson is familiar with slides from daycare, so it didn’t take him long to climb up it. He had trouble getting his legs out from under him so he required a little help, but he is a champion slider.

Meanwhile, Brian started chopping down some brush we have in our backyard and the neighbors popped over to play too. They brought over some of their toys too, and Jameson and Lily were good sports for a moment while I snapped this photo of them crammed together in Lily’s car.

All that play required a snack! And Jameson discovered how to feed Sasha. He’s done it without much thought before, throwing food from his high chair, but he started grabbing handfuls and giving them right to her. He thought it was hilarious (as did we, despite ourselves)

We spent all of Sunday outside, and I think I may have gotten a little tan. In April! I have probably gotten more sun already this year than I did for months last year. Jameson is so good for me.

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Tea Party

Yesterday, I went to see the Hunger Games with Kelly, our neighbor. Meanwhile, Brian and Curtis decided to babywatch together (awww).

(Aside: Hunger Games was pretty good, I enjoyed it. It was better because I read the book 2 years ago or so, and so I didn’t remember what happened so there was plenty of surprise in the movie for me)

Jameson and Lily decided to have a tea party. Apparently, Jameson actually wanted to sit down and play tea party. And I’m only surprised at the sit down part. He sat there for a whole 7 minutes, Brian told me. I am shocked and amazed.

And also really disappointed I missed this, because it’s too cute.

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Spring Jacket Weather

I love Jameson’s new jacket! It’s the perfect early spring jacket, flannel and warm. He looks like a little man in it. While I’m disappointed our 80 degree weather is gone, the jacket almost makes up for it.

Finally got some photos of Jameson happy in the wagon. Usually he is very solemn while we pull him around, but he was in an exceptionally cheerful mood on Saturday.

We went on a wagon ride with Lily and Curtis, our neighbors. I decided to be a tool and take the big camera with us on our entire walk.

Before we left our little circles (there are only 3 houses on our street, with two circles at either end), I picked another weed flower for Jameson to hold.

By the end, Jameson was only holding on to the stem. But he didn’t want to let it go!

I let the boys do all the hard work of pulling, as Brian said, 80 pounds of kid. Which I think was a lie, it was maybe 40 pounds.

This isn’t our street, we don’t have any trees in our tree lawn, but if I had my choice, these would the trees that we’d plant.

All of them in a row like that, with well manicured lawns and lovely houses make my stereotypical little heart happy. This is why I wanted to live in a neighborhood, with sidewalked roads and pretty green grass.

Jameson and Lily pointed and called at all the dogs we saw.

By the end of the walk, Jameson was totally relaxed.

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Irish Twins

(No, not in that sense of the phrase)

Jameson and Jonathan dressed up for St. Patrick’s Day in matching polo shirts! It was too cute. We got together with JP and Lisa on Sunday afternoon for an Irish dinner (corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and root vegetables). We were also excited to see their brand new wood floors!

There is always something new happening with babies. They are growing so quickly! Jonathan is walking now, and he had another surprise for us.

Look at that curly hair! Jonathan’s hair suddenly started turning curly in the back. It’s adorable. I wish Jameson’s had turned out curly, but alas, I think he has his father’s hair.

At first, they didn’t play too much together.

But after a nice walk in the wagon they were good buddies.

Jameson had a solemn face most of the ride. It’s funny because I know he loves riding in the wagon. He insists on getting in it every evening, but he always has a serious face while riding.

When we got back, it was almost time for dinner. Jameson discovered Jonathan’s train which he loved.

Jameson also has decided he would like to walk up and down stairs now (with mom or dad’s help, of course, which he is actually permitting us to do which is a first!). At Jonathan’s house, they have a step down living room, and Jameson figured out how to do it himself.

The personality of these kids is just wonderful. Jonathan played peekaboo with his blanket, and Jameson ran away with it.

It’s finally dinner time!

Jameson loves it when I give him whole food, he thinks it’s a special treat. So I gave him a soft carrot or two, not cut up.

Then we stripped the boys down before dessert! We had our homemade gingerbread, while Jameson and Jonathan had jello.

Jonathan couldn’t get it fast enough, so he ducked down and tried to scoop it up with his mouth.

A pair of babies thus stripped down is the perfect opportunity for some more ridiculous photo opportunities.

They loved the fireplace! Whenever Jonathan would go sit down on the fireplace, Jameson would come walking as fast as he could to get in on the action.

Jameson went and crawled under the table, laid flat, pretending he was asleep for a second. He cracks me up! Speaking of, his favorite word from me right now is Ewwww. Whenever I say it, he cracks up. It’s hilarious! It’s made changing time much more fun when I can collapse him with giggles at a word. Oh, I have to make a face with it too, wrinkling my nose.

At the end of the evening, we tried to give them a bath together. There’s only a short window of time you can do that. Alas, it wasn’t meant to be. Jameson seemed concerned with the bubble bath (he’d never had one before).

Oh well! It was worth a shot. We calmed him down with a few stories. Jameson crawled in my lap and we read a couple books.

The End. 🙂

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Going French

On St. Patrick’s Day, Brian and I decided to go French.

It was a busy day overall! Saturday morning, I attacked Jameson with a camera first thing. We still had to take 15 month photos (barely a day late so that is okay).

He was ornery about the photos, as per usual now, but I did get a great photo of him stacking a block on top of his 15 months!

Then, I headed to sign language class with Jameson (we have just one more), while Brian went grocery shopping. At home, Jameson and I played around outside with Kelly and Lily while Brian got ready for the day and started cooking. We were planning a brunch with the neighbors!

When Curtis arrived back from golfing, Lily was already eating nicely.

And… Jameson had just thrown a temper tantrum (likely related to exhaustion and teething), and so he was already in the crib crying.

Jameson didn’t want to eat any of the fruit, or even the waffles and sausage. He was clearly ready for a nap. After about 10 minutes of crying, I went up and swayed the poor little guy to sleep.

After brunch, while Jameson snoozed away, Brian and I made our homemade gingerbread in preparation for Sunday. It has a stout in the recipe, so I figured that was close enough to a St. Patrick’s Day dessert, right?!

We also de-tagged a bunch of new 18 month clothes for him which is fun and sad all at the same time. It’s like he gets a new wardrobe though! On Sunday, I cleared out a tote full of clothes that no longer fit him (Brian was happy since he usually has to dress him and kept trying things that didn’t fit him anymore, oops!)

The nap was maybe an hour and a half, so shortly thereafter, we dressed Jameson in green and prepared him to go to grandma and grandpa’s house for the NIGHT!

And then Brian and I got dressed up for dinner. French dinner on an Irish holiday. That’s quite alright, since our Irish celebration was on Sunday anyway, and I’ve been waiting to go back to Chez Francois for a couple years. I love this restaurant.

It’s right by the lake, so a bit of  a drive for us, but well worth it.

Brian had lobster bisque and a free range chicken with a side of seafood, and I had mushroom soup and veal (don’t judge, I never get it) with seafood on top and asparagus. It was divine, but the best part was dessert, which always comes paired with a dessert wine. Brian got the raspberry flambeau and I got chocolate ganache tart.

We watched Bad Teacher that evening (a stupidly funny movie). It was a superb date night!

But the best part?

Sleeping in on Sunday.

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Rock and Roll

Jameson is 15 months old today, I can hardly believe it.

Brian and Jameson like to hang out in the basement and play guitars. Jameson will point to the basement door saying “duh duh”. He cries when Brian leaves him upstairs. This is their man-thing to do together. It’s pretty awesome.

Recently Jameson has started shaking his head no at things he doesn’t want, being a little ladies man by giving the girls hugs and sitting in their laps at daycare (yikes), and laughing when we all laugh even if he doesn’t know the reason (which makes us laugh harder).

We went to visit our friends and their brand new 2 month old baby Rylan on Wednesday night (and I forgot my camera, to my utter despair). We left Jameson behind for the first time since his pacifier elimination and I am so proud to say he was a champ for Aunt Melissa. He is officially done with pacifiers.

Contrary to what we thought initially, he still has one molar he’s breaking through, so we are happy to add Advil to the nightly routine since he’s missing the pacifier comfort. Also on the nightly routine is a prescription steroid creme to get rid of the eczema-like rash on his shoulder that didn’t go away with just hydro-cortisone. Jameson has a check up next Wednesday anyway, so that is all good, and it doesn’t seem to bother him.

Jameson loves to greet Sasha when we come home in the evening and push the wagon around (and insist on trying to get in it). He’s not climbing yet though, for which we are thankful. He says Uh-Oh and Aha (which is Sasha), as well as mom and dad. He said “duh” for “that”, and “door”. He can get his own shoes off.

He loves to be outside. He’s going to be so much fun this summer.

P.S. Rylan? She was adorable, and SO TINY. Perspective changes so much as your own get bigger and bigger.

She has lovely elfin ears and snuggles up against you. I’m (almost) jealous. We reminisced about the days with Jameson (and as for myself, not with a whole lot of nostalgia at all), and commiserated with them on the woes of newborn ways, all while we watched her sleep, snuggle, wave her mighty arms, and be adorable. We made plans to visit the wineries, haha.

This weekend is packed full of fun events for which I will take a ridiculous amount of photos for, so be prepared. Be prepared for matching baby boys in green on Sunday.

Rock and roll this weekend, see you Monday!

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A Beautiful Day for a Neighbor Visit

Yesterday, we hit 67 and today we will hit 68 and sunny (SUNNY!). So we’ve been pulling around Jameson and Lily in our wagon, hanging out outside, enjoying the nice weather and the evening sunlight pouring into our living room.

Sunday, Lily and her dad came over for a visit. Lily and Jameson are very different (aside from the fact that they are four months apart in age). Lily is prim and proper, picks up after herself, uses utensils and keeps herself neat. What a little lady! Jameson is pretty much a little hooligan.

Lily was beside herself when Jameson started dumping his cheerios on the floor. He was doing it on purpose, since his snack cup has that lid that is supposed to prevent accidental spills. He grabbed handfuls and just scattered them across the floor.

So, she gave him some of her cheerios. Which he also tossed on the floor.

We gave up on the cheerios for Jameson and took them away.

Since it’s so nice out, Brian put together the little basketball hoop for Jameson that we had in the basement. We haven’t taken it outside yet, because we’re missing a piece, but Jameson enjoyed playing with it inside.

This one is out of focus, but it cracks me up. Jameson decided to throw his bear through the hoop too. Lily’s expression in the background is great. “You’re doing it wrong!”

Then we went outside. Jameson looks so mellow and relatively unexcited here, but I promise you he has walked over to the wagon EVERY. DAY. since then. This is not his first wagon experience, but it is his first in a while. When we get home from work, he attempts to climb in it or push it around. He loves it!

And here are a few fun Instagrammed moments from recent lovely evenings as well. Follow me @hilaryrose620

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Party Like You’re One

Jameson’s friend Jonathan turned one a few weeks ago and had his party just last weekend! Jonathan’s party was in red and blues, a sophisticated polka dot theme.

JP made pork and macaroni and cheese (with goldfish on top!). And as for the cake: The birthday boy definitely knew what cake was since he had had it a couple times by the time his party rolled around, so he dug into his personal cake with a vengeance.

Jameson had some of Brian’s cake, and asked for more after he finished that so he got an extra piece just for him.

While I took photos, Jameson meanwhile kept stealing Jonathan’s walking toy and power walking through the church. Brian and his friend Kyle followed him around, to the indoor slide and through the dark hallways which Jameson had no fear of.

Of course, Jameson-Trouble-Maker also wanted to attack the balloons (which we only let him near a couple times since he was scratching and squeezing them and trying to eat them), and he wanted to climb on chairs.

Friends Jason and Lisa and their daughter Vivienne were there as well. Vivienne is 6 months old now!

Then it was time to open gifts! Jonathan was a champion gift opener. He helped pull out cards from the bags, and was cheerful the whole time.

Jameson got Jonathan a stool with his name on it. Like puzzle pieces, the letters can come out of the stool. It was very sturdy and well made, I’m really happy with how it came out. I purchased it from Personal Creations.

Jonathan had a fan club while he was opening gifts, too cute!

Then it was time to say goodbye, both Jameson and Jonathan were exhausted.

Since then, Lisa and I got together on Monday night without the babies to go Kohl’s shopping (30% off!). I bought a new purse and jeans (since crawling around on the floor is wearing mine out, and I need some for work). I’m excited to announce that I am ten pounds down and fitting into both my goal pants! I will be trying on my bridesmaid dress this weekend and hopefully I will be able to zip it all the way up. Phew!

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Wednesday Night Babies

Yesterday I got my hair cut after work. It’s always a bit of an event, since I only get my hair cut 2-3 times a year. Maybe 4, if I’m really on top of it. It’s a small splurge of mine, though considering that I go very infrequently, maybe not as much as a splurge as I think. I go to the fancy salon, I get my hair cut by my favorite curly hair cutter, Melanie, and then she straightens my hair. And I tip her like crazy, because no one has ever cut my hair like this lady. Love.

Since I only have straight hair a couple times a year (because I am way too lazy busy to do it outside of haircutting days), that means I extend my straight hair for 2-3 extra bonus days.

Today, at work:

Meanwhile, yesterday, Brian and our neighbors came over for what they are calling Babies and Beer night Wednesdays. Which doesn’t sound all that positive or responsible, though I assure you it is. Two men, watching their kids play and have a drink.

I came home shortly before bedtime and immediately asked: Did you take any PHOTOS?!

Of course not, so I had to take a few.

This is Surfin’ Elmo (who has the most annoying voice EVER). Jameson isn’t sure how to rock on him yet, but he likes to get on and off and sit up and down on him. It’s pretty cute. (Lily wasn’t too sure, and I don’t blame her, though she did climb on for a moment by the end of the evening)

We say this nearly every time they get together, but Jameson and Lily really are interacting a lot more. Yesterday, Brian said they waved at each other from across the room for about 5 minutes straight. Too cute! I’m sorry I missed it.

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